Friday, December 10, 2010

Saul and God's Answers

When Samuel's sons started sinning, the nation of Israel panicked. Who would rule after them after Samuel? What would happen to them? They quickly began to clamor for a king.

God sternly replied that it was He who had rescued the nation of Israel and it was He on whom they should rely. Even so, the Lord answered their prayers and gave them a king. 

In the same way, we are often faced with trials and temptations. When things don't go our way, we quickly begin to clamor for help. Are we so quick to forget His mercies of old? Are we so inclined to respond as the Israelis?

God often answers our childish prayers and uses them to teach us lessons in faith. How much of God's grace do we miss out on while we're busy wishing for something else? The nation of Israel certainly got what they thought they needed, but they ended up paying a dear price for it.